I grew up thinking that it was written in the law books that when emergence vehicles have on their sirens, all road users in their path had to stop, pull over to the corner of the road, or do what was lawful to clear the driving area of these vehicles.
However, recently, I have had to research whether or not this was true. It appears as though some road users do not think that this is a law. Some of us act as though these vehicles are nuisances, while others use this as an opportunity to speed and other alarming activities.
In many parts of the world, the law requires these vehicles have the right of way in an emergency!
We do not know where these vehicles are “rushing” to. They could be “rushing” to our homes.
Therefore, the next time we are on the road, and they are driving in our direction, if the law is not enough to cause us to pull over, perhaps, that thought would. Please, pull over.
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