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Showing posts from April, 2020

San Marino - Citizens

San Marino was named after Saint Marinus, and the country’s nationals are called Sammarinese.   Additionally, anyone who does not have a connection to the country and would like to become a citizen must live there continually, for at least thirty (30) years.

Samoa – A Few Words

Samoan and English are the two official languages of Samoa.   However, as in many other countries, other languages are spoken here too.   Nevertheless, here are a few words in Samoan, their pronunciation and their English counterpart. Talofa - Tah-low-far - Hello Loe – Ee-or-e - Yes Fa’afetai – Far-ah-fay-tie – Thank you

Saint Lucia – Its Name

Just a quick quiz, how many countries globally are named after a woman?  The answer?  One, and it is the country, Saint Lucia.  Shipwrecked French sailors in December of 1502, named the country.  They called it after the martyred virgin from Syracuse, Sicily, Saint Lucia.

Rwanda - Umuganda

On the last Saturday of every month, between the hours of 8 a.m. to 11 a.m., residents of Rwanda are required to do some form of public service in their neighbourhood/country.   Residents between the ages of 18 - 65 years old are required to do it.   If someone is found not doing so, this person could be fined.   Notes: Matador network The New Times NPR