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Showing posts from March, 2019

Dominica – Parishes of Saints

Dominica is divided into 10 Administrative Parishes, and all of the Parishes begin with the title Saint.  The Parishes are Saint Andrew, Saint David, Saint George, Saint John, Saint Joseph, Saint Luke, Saint Mark, Saint Patrick, Saint Paul and Saint Peter.   This reminds me of the Parishes in Barbados.  

Djibouti – Military Bases Host

Djibouti is a country in Africa, and it is 9,000 sq. miles.  A 2016 estimated census placed the population at 942,333, and this country is the host of the most military bases in the world.  It is host to France, the USA, Italy, Japan and China. Notes

Denmark – Polite without Please

This year, 2019, Denmark is the second happiest country globally, and by all accounts, the Danes are very polite people.  The country's official language is Danish, and in this language, there is no word for the word, please.  Interesting? Note

Czech Republic – Czechia

The official name of the country Czech Republic in the English language is the Czech Republic and Ceska Republika  in Czech.  However, the shortened official name of the country in English is Czechia and Cesko in Czech. Note

Cyprus – A Born Citizen?

In many countries worldwide, being born in them automatically bestows a citizen's title to the newborn.  However, Cyprus is not one of these countries.  If one of the newborn's parents is a Cypriot, then the baby automatically becomes a citizen.  Hmm…   Note

Cuba - No to Cult of Personality

Raul Castro is the First Secretary of the Communist Party of Cuba. Fidel Castro, his brother, last held this position.  In 2016 Fidel Castro, at 90 years old, died and was cremated. In December that year, a law was passed forbidding "anyone" from naming a street or building by his name. Also, "no one" can erect monuments in his name or likeness. Additionally, no one can use his name in commercials.

Croatia – Bisevo – An island with a few

Bisevo is an island in the Adriatic Sea, in Croatia.  It is 5.8 km square in size, and in 2017, only 13 people were living on it.  Although there are only 13 residents, more than 20 vehicles are driven on the island.  This island is also the home of the famed Blue Cave that draws many tourists to it. Notes

Costa Rica – Strawberry Poison Dart Frogs

Have you ever heard of the Strawberry Poison Dart Frog?  This 2-5 cm stunning creature can be found in Costa Rica.  This strawberry-red coloured frog has the ability to morph.  It can change its colour from blue legs with a red body to a green body with black spots and blue with black spots.  The poison is in the skin of the frog.  

Congo's National Anthem

The National Anthem of the Republic of Congo, in English. On this day the sun rises And our Congo stands resplendent. A long night is ended, a great happiness has come. Let us all, with wild joyfulness, sing The song of freedom. CHORUS : Arise, Congolese, proud every man, Proclaim the unity of our nation. Let us forget what divides us And become more united than ever. Let us live our motto: Unity, work, progress. Let us live our motto: Unity, work, progress! From the forest to the bush, From the bush to the ocean, One people, one soul, One heart, ardent and proud. Let us all fight, every one of us, For our black country.  (Chorus) And if we have to die, What does it really matter? Our children Everywhere will be able to say how Triumph comes through battle, And in the smallest village Sing beneath our three colours.  (Chorus)

Congo – Name Changes

The Democratic Republic of Congo has been through several name changes throughout the years. In 1885 it was named Congo Free State of Leopold II, followed by Belgian Congo in 1908 and 1960, Republic of Congo Leopoldville. In 1964, the Democratic Republic of Congo, the Republic of Zaire in 1971 and 1997, returned to the Democratic Republic of Congo. There’s a lot in a name. Note:

Comoros – Election 2019

Instead of 2021, the people of Comoros will be headed to the polls on the 24th March 2019 and 21st April 2019, if needed. The second date will only be required if it does not yield more than fifty percent of the votes for “someone” to be declared the winner on the first presidential election date.  

Colombia – Cano Cristales

Cano Cristales is the name of a river in Meta, Colombia, and between September and November, you will find it reflecting the colours red, yellow, green and blue. What’s the secret?  It is a species of plant called Macarenia clavigera  that grows at the bottom of the river.  The plants are bright red.