Did you hear about Penka, the Bulgarian pregnant cow who wandered away from the rest of her herd and ended up in Serbia? This happened back in June of last year. Well, because Penka did not enter Serbia with the required veterinary health certificate, she was ordered to be destroyed. However, Mr. John Flack, Conservative Eastern Region MEP, in England, was having none of it, and in the end, Penka and her unborn calf was spared from an untimely death. To quote Mr. Flack concerning the verdict, he said, “I’m delighted common sense and compassion have prevailed. He also said, “the original decision lacked all humanity and sensible judgement.” Let me just end by adding that many people throughout the world who heard about this situation in Bulgaria was not pleased with the original decision. Perhaps Mr. Flack has expressed in what was quoted above some of what many people were thinking. Note https://www.bbc.com/news/uk-england-norfolk-444419...