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Showing posts from October, 2017

Austria – Facial Exposure

On the 1 st October 2017, Austria bans burka/full face covering in public places and public buildings.  However, they are not the only country to have done so.  A few other countries that have done this are France, 2011, Belgium, 2011, Bulgaria, 2016, Switzerland, 2016, Italy, 2015, Chad, Cameroon, Niger, Congo-Brazzaville and Gabon. Notes: Express Home of the Daily and Sunday Express The Local

Australia - Voting is a Serious Matter

Australia is one of the twenty-three (23) countries in the world where voting in federal elections is compulsory. It is also compulsory for Australian citizens, eighteen (18) years of age and over and eligible British subjects to enrol as voters. Additionally, it is mandatory for its citizens to vote in state, territory and local government elections. However, in local government elections, it is not required for citizens of South Australia, Tasmania and Western Australia to vote. In case you are wondering what happens to a citizen who does not vote, well, they could be charged as little as $20 or as much as $180, court cost (if the case has to go to court) and they could be registered as a convicted criminal. Yes, Australia does enforce this law. Notes: PBS Newshour Find Legal Answers/State Library New South Wales