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Showing posts from January, 2015

Andorra – A Shared Country

Andorra is sandwiched between France and Spain, and it is co-governed by the President of France and the Bishop of Urgell, who is in Spain.  Although Andorra has accommodations for a few helicopters, there are no airports here.  In fact, its closest airports are in France and Spain.  Therefore, those desiring to visit this country must travel through France or Spain and then travel by land, to get here. Perhaps due to sharing governmental powers, this country also shares the postal system.  France’s post boxes in this country are yellow, while Spain’s are red. 

Algeria, a Country of its Own

I find it curious that although many of us have access to the Internet, some still think that Africa and the Caribbean are single countries with mainly Africans (Black People) living there. There are not.  Africa is a continent, and the Caribbean is an area in the Americas where the Caribbean Sea is located.    Algeria, a country in Africa.  The CIA’s World Factbook states that 99% of the Ethnic groups of people here are Arab-Berber, while less than 1% are European. Curious nah? 

Albania, a country full of Bunkers

Enver Hoxha ruled Albania from 1944 – 1985, and during the 1960, he built many bunkers for the “survival” of Albanians in case the country was ever invaded.   To say the least, the country was never invaded, and presently about 750,000 bunkers are scattered around the country.   Bunkers are in people’s backyards, gas stations and in burial areas.   So, what are Albanians to do about these structures?   Some people are painting them, using them as a café, taking iron to sell, and some people are even using them for eco-tourism.   Wow!

Afghanistan: Girls and Women Playing Sports

I am sure that by now many of us have heard both good and bad things about the people living in Afghanistan, and one of these things might have been about the oppression of the female population in this country.   However, like many other girls and women worldwide, this country's female population is shouting in the sporting world.   They are playing basketball, boxing, soccer and volleyball.   Wow, I did not see this coming!

My Focus

For a “lickle” while, I’ll be focusing on countries around the world, and I’ll try to do so in alphabetical order.  I’ll begin with Afghanistan and end with Zimbabwe.  I hope you’ll join me. Thanks.