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Showing posts from January, 2013

Is Packaged Chicken Hot Dogs Really Chicken Hot Dogs?

We certainly have a lot of faith and perhaps trust in the people who package the food we purchase from the supermarkets etc. I am saying this because I wonder how we know that a chicken hot dog is a chicken hot dog? Please bear with me for a moment. I promise I am not having a Matrix moment here. I know that there are guidelines about these things, but let’s examine this for a moment. Let’s assume that we have been eating chicken for many years, so we are familiar with its taste. So, with this knowledge, we purchase and consume a packaged chicken hotdog, and in fact, it does taste like chicken. We like it, and so we continue to eat it for many years. Then, one day we purchase, cook and eat it, but, to our surprise, it tastes nothing like chicken. So, we speed walk to the refrigerator to double-check the package, and indeed, it does say chicken hot dogs. So, what should we do? Should we take it back to the store, or should we believe what the package says and ignore our tastes, bud? Wha...

Keep Going With Your Plans

As was expected, the New Year is surging ahead.  Can you believe that we are 8 days into it already?  Wow!  How are you coming along with your plans for 2013?  Have you thrown in the towel already, or are you “sowing” ahead? If you are a bit behind, do not give up, just regroup and continue going.  If you are trying to do too much in one day, try to cut back to a more manageable load.  It is better to carry a light lead and get somewhere, than trying to carry a heavy load and get nowhere.  Don’t forget that famous saying, “too many cooks spoil the broth.”  There is something to this saying.  So, regroup and keep going.

Knowledge Is Power - But Also Madness?

From the time I was a child, I have heard the expression, “knowledge is power,” and I believed it. I thought that if I knew how to read and write, no one could pull the wool over my eyes, which is proven to be true. However, this is not to say that others have never tricked me, they have, but these experiences have also given me more knowledge. On the other hand, I have also heard the expression, “too much knowledge could drive you mad,” and some of my friends were kind enough to point out the people they claimed had been driven mad by knowledge. As a child, I felt caught between a rock and a hard place because others told me that knowledge is good, but on the other hand, too much of it isn’t good. Wow! What was I to do? Well, I decided to pursue knowledge, but not too much, because I did not want to be driven mad by it. Then…, the Internet came along …, what? How can I measure knowledge anyhow? Shouldn’t knowledge have given me the answer to this question long ago? Perhaps there is mo...

Seat Belts On Buses

Do you think that the government in North America should make it mandatory for buses to have seat belts?  Buses are said to have the least number of accidents in North America, but when there is an accident, many lives are put at risk.  In fact, there are a lot of buses out there.  There are schools, public and charter buses, just to mention a few. However, I guess public buses would have to pass on this because how would a standing passenger wear a seat belt?  Where do you stand on this issue?

Take Small Steps With Your Plans

Happy New Year! Wow, another year has passed, and another one has begun. What are your plans for this year? I think that I am safe in assuming that many people will attempt to spend a lot more time blogging, and if this is the case with you, we are in the same boat. With this in mind, as you move forward with your plans, it is good to start as a baby now learning how to walk. That is, walk with small steps. For example, instead of saying, “I will blog every day this year,” say, “I am going to blog at least three or four times a week.” Take it slowly, and before you know it, you will be halfway to fulfilling this dream. The Lord willing, of course.